The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many countries around the globe and Zimbabwe is not spared. As of 30th March 2020, Zimbabwe had seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 and a single death. Of these cases 4 were imported and 3 were contact cases. Therefore, the MOHCC remains on high alert in terms of surveillance and provision of health education to communities.
Zim FETP has been a critical player in assisting the MOHCC on risk communication and community engagement through health education awareness and surveillance. Zim FETP recalled its residents from their designated attachment sites from the 23rd to 27th March 2020 to participate in community awareness and health education. The awareness was conducted in four high density suburbs in Harare through door to door health education activities. The program also developed and distributed IEC materials which included 20 000 flyers, 500 posters, 5 banners, 450 branded t-shirts, 1500 pens and 1500 rulers. These were distributed at shopping centres, beer halls, recreational centres and households. During the door-to door awareness campaign 1 600 households were reached. A moving truck was used in a roadshow that beamed key information on COVID-19 in residential areas that were not reached by the door-to-door campaign was also conducted.
Furthermore, the Zim FETP conducted a knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey to determine the level of COVID-19 awareness among the residents of Harare. This will assist the policy makers in implementing tailored made COVID-19 prevention and control measures.